Hey friends! One thing I want you all to know is, I call em' like I see em'(or taste em')! Friday afternoon, as we drove home from getting our delicious raw milk, I had an epiphany! More like a craving, but we will go with the first one because it sounds better. I LOVE root beer floats, and making some for our Family Movie Night sounded lovely...until I remember how much high fructose corn syrup is in soda!!! WHY? We don't buy soda except on special occasions, which seems to get fewer and far between as we really dig into eliminating processed foods. Oh, but how I love a good root beer! I thought to myself, "Jen, why can't you MAKE your own?" Great idea! I googled "homemade root beer" while driving home (while my husband drived, hello!) and found something that made my heart smile,
for an hour anyways, root beer concentrate! They make root beer concentrate?!?! YES! A quick search and I came across a recipe for a homemade root beer using 4 simple ingredients;
root beer concentrate, water, sugar and club soda! Well, I knew I could easily replace sugar with pure maple syrup and that made my heart smile even bigger!
We swung by the store and my sweet Cam ran in for me. There it was, just waiting for us to take it home and make the best, homemade root beer floats...EVER!!! Can you just hear the excitement in my voice! I am still working on creating a fabulous homemade vanilla ice cream recipe, but I had one that would do for this wondrous occasion.
And then... as quick as that bright smile lit up my heart, a huge thunder cloud came and stole my sunshine. I flipped over the box as I was admiring my new found prize and the ingredients section was a little "longer" than I had anticipated. I was thinking in my crazed happiness that I had found root beer extract...nope, it was root beer concentrate.
What is the difference? Well, let me just say
it is the same ingredient you will find on almost EVERY processed food......
corn syrup! SIGH! UGH!

So, my title is named what it is because I am simply discovering as I go. It is a journey, and sometimes part of the journey can be disappointing, frustrating and discouraging. Be encouraged, you are not alone!
I made the root beer anyways, I am positive it is more "healthy" than store bought, but I am frugal and I am certain a little more corn syrup was not going to kill me. It tasted OK, it definitely did not compare to IBC or Stewarts...but it was
not horrible! I am what some of you would call a "perfectionist", so keep that in mind with my reviews. The homemade vanilla ice cream made up for anything the root beer lacked. The two combined tasted like one of those store bought root beer ice cream bars...yum!
So, I will return homemade root beer to my bucket list and revisit this blog when I have a little more time on my hands...From the looks of this
recipe, a little more preparation and planning is needed.
Doesn't it look amazing? I can not wait to try it out.
Although this recipe has
not won it's way into my personal family cookbook(due to the concentrate and corn syrup), here it is for any of you who dare to try something new, fun, and homemade!!
Almost Homemade Root Beer
1 1/2 Cups Water
3/4 Pure Maple Syrup
1 1/2 tsp of Root Beer Concentrate
1 Liter Club Soda
Mix the first 3 ingredients and then
carefully and slowly (save all those fizzes) add the club soda when you are ready to use. Poor over a couple scoops of homemade vanilla ice cream and ENJOY!!