Saturday, June 11, 2016

Simply, Homemade Hazelnut Latte

I love coffee. I have one cup a day. And that cup must have these things to be perfect.

1. Froth
2. Good ingredients 
3. Drank in SILENCE 

I'm a much nicer person after sitting on my deck, soaking up the beauty of our ranch and no words. Ha. #truth

So every good cup of coffee starts with homemade ingredients. I used to drink store bought creamer, Starbucks everyday and while it tasted good at the time. My body NEVER thanked me later. You know that saying "pay later"...yeah, sugar crash and bloating. Boo!

So, I've learned to come up with yummy coffee that I can make at home, only take a couple minutes AND taste WAY better. And because I am using whole ingredient, no sugar crash or bloating or guilt. WIN!

I love hazelnut. But I hate immatation flavoring. I was at World Market and found these amazing whole hazelnuts and snagged them up. I use my hand shredder. You can use ground hazelnut, I just always try to use food in its purest and wholest(I think I just made that word up) state! I'm so over the moon that it turned out...BETTER than I had hoped. 

Give this hazelnut latte a try. I promise it won't disappoint! 

 1 1/2 cup home brewed coffee
1/2 cup whole or raw milk
Hazelnut (whole or ground)
Vanilla(homemade or pure)optional
1/2 tsp Pure Maple syrup 
Tiny pinch of sea salt(tiny!!!)

While I am waiting on my pourover, I heat the milk until hot. I then take my hand emersion blender and blend the milk until frothy! Gently stir in a pinch of hazelnut, pinch of sea salt, vanilla and maple syrup. Give it a good blend again. Pour over coffee and scoop the remaining foam on top!! Boom! 

I always garnish with a sprinkle of hazelnut. Because I am a girl. I am a Mom and I need to lavish myself. Ya, know. Plus it looks so pretty! 

Give it a try and let me know your favorite homemade coffee drinks in the comments!! 

simply, Jen