Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Simply our Story

Everyday I get messages,comments, questions about WHY our family of 7 is living in a RV. What is this DREAM}? I think I assumed everyone knew. I'm inviting you to listen, to hear the heartbeat and catch the vision.

In 2006, Cameron was working as a contractor training Special Forces. Our little family of 4(yes we ONLY had 2 littles;1 and 3 years old) We were in tiny, tiny church in Alabama. It was little, but they sent out a lot of missionaries. It was then, we realized that there was NO training that was sufficient for security and safety as people traveled to the ends of the earth brining hope. THAT had to change. 

A {DREAM} was born. A little seed, an acorn.

It started with the company's CEO that Cameron worked for saying there was no training for missionaries or other humanitarian organizations because there was NO money in it😳 That FUELED the dream. 
But God didn't open the doors we wanted Him to open. It didn't make sense. We had such a passion and it was so needed. 
He had other plans.

For almost 10 years we continued to {DREAM} and passionately pursue what we KNEW we were called to do. God continued to close doors we thought should be open, but always OPENED doors that we walked through without realizing the equipping that was happening. He was CULTIVATING our hearts, EXPANDING our territory, and GROWING that acorn of a {DREAM}. Cameron went on to train the CIA, Army Rangers, Marine Special Ops, and was asked to create a program and be the lead instructor for the Navy SEALS. 

Equipping. Expansion. Expanding.

We made the commitment 10 years ago to never charge a missionary for training. And He has taken care of us. Hard. Sacrifice. Loss. Hurt. Confused. Rejected. Pain. But...HOPE! Hope that He who CALLED us is faithful. So we pressed on in just about every adversity you could think. Our {DREAM} was expanded and four years ago we were given the {VISION} of a ranch. Peace. Rest. Training. Hope. Courage to the ends of the Earth. 

It was never a "GO" for us until this last December. When our landlords of our little farm said they were selling, it was confirmation. It was time to take the BIGGEST step of faith we had ever taken...and trust me, we took some pretty big steps before that. A PEACE that transcended all understanding encompassed us as we moved our family of 7 into Big George as we set out to CATCH our DREAM. 

You see when you have something that is so much bigger than you, when it was placed in your heart by God, fear doesn't have room to stay. And though these last 7 months have been long and hard and uncertain and CRAZY, we know we are right where we are suppose to be. 

It started 10 years ago with 2 missionaries sitting on our coach in our little living room. Receiving the first ever Project TAKEN training(though we didn't have our name it) It was the acorn. Now almost 10 years have passed and we have trained well over 4,000 missionaries/humanitarian workers/non profits/organizations who rescue girls from human trafficking in over half of the countries around the world. Cameron has helped with in country resolutions and has message that imparts courage, hope and freedom....

✨When your WHY is stronger than ANY excuse you can come up with, you FIGHT. It is non-negotiable. You cultivate what you are given. You water it. You let it grow organically. And when the timing is right...there before you stands a MIGHTY OAK and you walk into the land that is inherently yours.


Never, never give up. ✨

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