Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Dreams take time...part 1.

How many times have you sat down to dream and ended up discouraged? Hello, welcome to my world! Living on a 200 acre ranch with literally NOTHING on it, except a deserted well that had a fried pump,when we pulled our RV and family of seven on it last September...I get it! Homesteading and developing a ranch is anything but easy. 

I am a dreamer, a dream chaser or what I like to call our family dream CATCHERS! Why, because we have {LEARNED} that aimlessly chasing our dreams, or dreaming about our dreams without  spefic and intentional plan leads to...NOTHING. Except disappointment and discouragement. Can you relate? Then keep reading for 3 ways you can start catching those dreams planted in your heart! Today we will dig into the first. 

Fear. It is the {FIRST} thing you need to throw back at whatever planted that dream killer at you. You have to recognize that fear holds you back. It robs you from your potential. Dreaming BIG can be scary! You are vulnerable. You might fail and that's not a fun feeling. But let me help you. Here is a secret that I wish someone had told me years ago.

You WILL fail!! And learning that one truth has set our family free from fear. 

Failing is ok and actually a really, really good thing! That's sound bizzare, righ? I hear you. I used to be paralyzed with fear, thinking of there was a small chance I would fail! I would immediately stop dreaming or feel so defeated knowing failure was a possibility. But here is what I've found.

Failure is ONLY opportunity to grow! Yep, it's not as scary as I thought. It's actually powerful and I seek it out daily! The more I fail at something, the better I become. I take each failure as a chance to be better, do better, refine my dreams and goals! If you think I sound crazy...Google ANY successful person and you will see they failed FAR more and numerous times(like hundreds) before they ever caught their dream or succeeded. It's such an encouraging and empowering thing to realize!

So next time you feel fear creeping in...decide NOW that fear isn't your friend and declare that TODAY you are moving forward with your dream, regardless on how you "feel". Remember that this doesn't happen overnight and you must choose DAILY to create this new habit! Failure is just another part of your journey and it only allows you to be the fierce and confident dreamer you were created to be! Learn to embrace it.

Tomorrow, I'll be sharing the second part of how to become a dream catcher. {Dreaming so big, it SCARES you}

Thanks for stopping by! 

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