Lemons are amazing, truly! Did you know that it is believed that Ancient Egyptians drank lemon juice and ate lemons to protect themselves from poisons? Research has confirmed this! For centuries, lemons have been used for major health promoting benefits. Lemons are most known for strong antibacterial, antiviral, and immune-boosting powers. Most of us know that they are LOADED with Vitamin C and calcium, but here are several facts, I bet you were not aware of:
*Acne-Vitamin C helps with a healthy glow, but its alkaline nature kills bacteria that can cause acne! Mix honey and lemon juice to form a paste and use as a mask!
*Canker sores-lemon's high antiviral can help speed the process of healing!
*Fever reducer!! Mix fresh squeezed lemon juice to hot water and some raw honey. Drink this every couple of hours until fever is reduced! It works...I have tried this on my children!
*Helps Fatigue! Feel like you are dragging? Add lemon juice to your water or if you are a brave soul, drink it straight...It is like a natural ROCK STAR!
*Bugs!! Mix some lemon juice and water for a natural bug repellent...Stung by a bee? After removing stinger, mix lemon juice with some honey, apply to bite for quick relief!
*Weight Loss!!! YES! Mix warm water, honey and lemon for a yummy, relaxing drink AND help shred those extra pounds! Wahoo!!
This is just a small list of the amazing benefits of this citric fruit. For more a more comprehensive list, this webpage, can be helpful!
I love lemons! I use fresh squeezed lemons on everything from homemade cakes, frosting, in my tea, cleaning and I always keeps a pitcher of water with sliced up lemons in the fridge(it looks elegant too). So don't hesitate and next time you are at the farmer's market or your local grocery store...load up on these little, yet HUGE, health promoting fruits!!

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