“What was your diet like before “Food Inc” and what were the first small changes you made?”
I love to cook. So much so, I would love to open a small café one day. Small, quaint and simple. That is important because before “Food Inc”, I loved to cook. Cooking from scratch, experiement with new foods, flavors and fun deserts. “Food Inc” was a very dramatic documentary for us. I was somewhat aware of the difference between “organic” and “non-organic” foods, but to be honest I was very ignorant to the concept behind those two phrases. Mostly, I believed the biggest difference between the two had to do with the cost. Like I mentioned in my first post, that is a myth and I will write on that down the road (sooner than later).
Before, our family ate somewhat healthy. I tried to cook from scratch, but I was still using a lot of processed foods. Processed foods are anything that is altered from their natural state, either for convenience or just for what the FDA deems “for safety” reasons. Either way, processed is processed and I believe that the closer you can keep your food to its original purpose and natural state, the better and healthier you will be. Examples of several kinds of processed foods can be:(but not limited to. Remember I mentioned that up to 90% of grocery stores are stocked with processed foods)
• Canned foods • Breads, pastas, white flour • Snack foods, chips, candy • Packaged cakes, cookies, ice cream • Oatmeal, breakfast cereal • Milk, yogurt, creamer, cheese, etc.
As you go the grocery store, a good rule I learned is stay on the outside perimeter of the store. I would be confident in saying that a good 99% of isle foods, are processed, and packed full of harmful GMO(genetically modified organism). Again, another post. So as you can read, that is OVERWHELMING! “Food Inc” opened our eyes to the unbelievable health concerns of soy and corn. According to www.truefoodnow.org, 85% of US corn and 91% of US soy supplies are genetically engineered. You might be saying to yourself, “I do not eat a lot of soy or corn, so I don’t see the big deal.” That is exactly what I thought until “Food Inc” began to challenge me to read labels. Do you know just how much corn and/or soy are top ingredients in your food? Scary thought when you learn the process of GMO and just how much of it has saturated our food supply. Enjoy that Coke, Pepsi…made from corn. Look for Non-GMO foods! Rabbit trail…
So, like I mentioned, OVERWHELMED and I wanted to throw away ALL of my food…ALL of it! The problem was I just went grocery shopping that afternoon. Bummer! I am way too frugal to waste! So, I am going to share a little secret with you that I just recently learned (2 years later). Baby steps are the best! Find out what is truly most important and do-able for your family right now, and be OKAY with that step. Processed foods might not be the best first option for you, it wasn’t for us, but it might be. You know your family best, you know yourself best, don’t take such a huge plunge that you get discouraged and quit all together (been there also).
Our first big steps were changing our meats. This is probably the most expensive part, but I believe one of the most critical. Research what standard beef, pork and chicken production entails, what they feed these animals, what they pump into these animals, how they treat them, how the process these meats (example bleaching your chicken) and ask yourself if you really are okay with your family consuming these meats. This was NOT okay with me. Another step we felt important was changing to organic dairy (i.e. Milk, cheese, yogurt, etc.). At the time, it was the best decision we were aware of. Up until 10 months ago that is. Again, another post, but something I feel strongly enough to share. We currently drink RAW milk from a local, amazing dairy, Duivenvoorden Farms in Cottonwood, Ca! Remember, I am answering what we did initially, but if I could go back, I would have started with RAW milk no question! It is what our family refers to as “liquid gold”…HA! Back to the beginning…yes, organic dairy! Fruits and Veggies were added later. Processed foods were the most difficult for me to weed out. Little by little we are still doing that…like I said it is a process for our family.
So those were the small changes we made at first. Costco was a great help as they carried both meats and some dairy. My recommendation is to buy local grass fed beef. There are many places that you can buy from. Google grass fed organic meat in your area! $$$ Saving tip: buying a half beef, half pig, etc…saves you A LOT of money in the long run! There are things we have learned that cost more upfront (which requires planning and a little saving), but in the end really, really saves! A half of beef for our family will last us just about a year! You won’t beat those prices. You won’t beat the health! And there is nothing like having a full freezer full of nutrious, organic, yum!
So, put the kiddos down for bed, enjoy that bag of microwave popcorn (really enjoy it) and pop in “Food Inc”. Be prepared for it to rock your world, rock your health, and that popcorn you just ate…well you will see.

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