I would say BOTH! Eating organic and choosing healthy foods can and will be more expensive IF you do not plan! Preparation is key in life. I love a quote from Abraham Lincoln “If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I'd spend six hours sharpening my ax”. So, how does that relate to saving money? How well do you think you can cut down a tree, if your ax is dull? You could still do it, but it would take a lot longer, more energy, and probably "cost" you more in the long run. It is the same with preparing meals for your family. I have learned over the past couple of years, if I do not take the time to plan, I suffer in the long run.
Having a family of 6, homeschooling, living on a farm, plus all of the norms of being a housewife...I cannot afford to be unprepared (and I can not afford it at the grocery store) mentally and physically. I will spend more money and stress more during the week! If I go into a store without a POA (plan of action)...I have already LOST THE BATTLE! So how have I learned to save both money and my sanity? Simply plan.
Each Saturday, I set aside time to meal plan for the week. I used to try and plan for two weeks, but that became overwhelming fast. It is hard enough trying to come up with new, creative and healthy meals for 7 days...14 was overload. One of the most beneficial things I have learned is to have grace with myself. Set yourself up for success by looking at your calender and plan accordingly. Don't plan a meal that requires a lot of prep and cook time on a night you have a lot going on! Crock pot on that night! I have come up with some great "tools" that give me grace every week that I would like to share with you.
Each week, I have three designated "theme"night dinners. Wednesday nights are sandwich nights. This can be as elaborate or simple as you choose(grilled cheese or a toasted turkey, tomato, fresh mozzarella and fresh basil over a delicious olive oil and garlic bread). You choose! Sundays are my favorite. I know Sundays are suppose to be "a day of rest", but for most of us(if we are honest), we are tired before Church even begins! It takes a lot to get up, get the entire family ready and out the door sometimes as early as 7:30am!!! Sundays are also my shopping day also because we live 25 miles from town, I plan to get as much done in town while I am there. So Sunday dinners have to be simple for us: breakfast for dinner. Sometimes we cut up fruit and have a bowl of healthy cereal and sometimes do an amazing veggie omelet...again up to you! Fridays...family movie night and homemade pizza every week! Again, choose your favorite pizza! Our family favorite is homemade pesto with fresh pineapple and bacon!
So, after I go through my online brain cookbook, looked over my favorite book cookbooks, and searched online. I make my Mon-Sat menu. Remember for us, Sunday, Wednesday and Friday are simple for us, so really I only have 4 dinner meals to plan for!
TIPS for saving money when planning for meals:
*Choose meals that you can double up on ingredients(IE: fresh basil for pizza AND for Capellini Pomodoro)
*Remember that staples only have to be bought about once a month(flour, 100% pure maple syrup, spices, etc)
*Cooking from scratch SAVES in the long run(again staples last for more than one meal).
*Start with an empty fridge and end with as close to an empty fridge as possible...Yay for not wasting!
*Keep breakfast and lunch somewhat SIMPLE. Breakfasts are changing for us in the near future...adding more homemade...but as of now cereals, oatmeal. pancakes, smoothies.
*Buy IN SEASON! Saves money AND is more nutritious!
*If you are able, look into buying a half a beef, pig...this has saved us a HUGE amount of money this past year! Again, you might be paying more upfront (like bulk), but you SAVE in the long run!
*A lot of processed "snack" food equals a lot more money! I had a request for a healthy snack post...so keep an eye out for that!
These are just some of the ways I have learned to save...save both money AND my sanity! Planning is critical if you want to eat healthy without breaking the bank. You CAN do this! I spend no more than 1 hour each week preparing. That 1 hour is precious time that not only saves money, but also saves a lot of unwanted and unneeded stress! So set aside an hour this week, get excited that you are about to start saving money and eating healthy.

Great minds think a like ;), I do almost the same planning! Do you plan for lunches? I don't and the girls and I get in lunch ruts, one of the posts you said you make lunch every day, what kinds of things do you do for lunch?
ReplyDeleteHi Jenni! I just started planning for lunches because I got into such a rut...I try and keep it simple for most of the week, with one or two "special" lunches. A couple days I do PB&Honey w/ a fruit smoothie, or fresh fruit. I will do quesadillas(various kinds), different sandwiches, and at least one day I will do a special meal(this week in capellini pomodoro)...and Sunday usually something in the slow-cooker. Lunches are harder for me to plan, but once I take the time...it makes the week soooo much easier! And helps save $$ because I buy exactly what we need :O)